Michigan Compiled Laws § 791.217 Action For Noncompliance With Site Selection Process.

791.217 Action for noncompliance with site selection process.

Sec. 17.

(1) A person who resides in the city, village, or township in which the department has determined a need for a correctional facility may bring an action in a court of proper jurisdiction against the department if the department is not abiding by the site selection process provided in section 16.

(2) An action brought under this section shall not be maintained if it is filed more than 45 days after the commission sends notification of the final site selected to the officials as required in section 16(9).

History: Add. 1980, Act 303, Imd. Eff. Nov. 26, 1980
Popular Name: Department of Corrections Act

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Last modified: October 10, 2016