Nevada Revised Statutes Section 439B.300 - Public Health and Safety

Legislative findings and declarations; applicability.

1. The Legislature finds and declares that:

(a) The practice of refusing to treat an indigent patient if another hospital can provide the treatment endangers the health and well-being of such patients.

(b) Counties in which more than one hospital is located may lack available resources to compensate for all indigent care provided at their hospitals. Refusal by a hospital to treat indigent patients in such counties results in a burden upon hospitals which treat large numbers of indigent patients.

(c) A requirement that hospitals in such counties provide a designated amount of uncompensated care for indigent patients would:

(1) Equalize the burden on such hospitals of treating indigent patients; and

(2) Aid the counties in meeting their obligation to compensate hospitals for such care.

(d) Hospitals with 100 or fewer beds have been meeting the needs of their communities with regard to care of indigents, and have a minimal effect on the provision of such care.

2. Except as otherwise provided in this subsection, the provisions of NRS 439B.300 to 439B.340, inclusive, apply to each hospital in this state which is located in a county in which there are two or more licensed hospitals. The provisions of NRS 439B.300 to 439B.340, inclusive, do not apply to a hospital which has 100 or fewer beds.

3. The provisions of NRS 439B.300 to 439B.340, inclusive, do not prohibit a county from:

(a) Entering into an agreement for medical care or otherwise contracting with any hospital located within that county; or

(b) Using a definition of �indigent� which would include more persons than the definition in NRS 439B.310.

Last modified: February 26, 2006