Commission on Nuclear Projects: Creation; membership; terms and salary of members.
1. The Commission on Nuclear Projects, consisting of seven members, is hereby created.
2. The Commission consists of:
(a) Three members of the Governor’s own choosing.
(b) Two members chosen by the Governor from a list of three names submitted to him by the Legislative Commission.
(c) Two members chosen by the Governor, one of whom is chosen from a list of three names submitted to him by a statewide organization of county governments and one of whom is chosen from a list of three names submitted to him by a statewide organization of city governments.
3. The members of the Commission shall annually select a Chairman from among themselves.
4. After the initial terms, members shall serve terms of 2 years.
5. Each member of the Commission is entitled to a salary of $80 for each day’s attendance at a meeting of the Commission.
Last modified: February 26, 2006