Contents of reports.
1. The Commissioner may require that reports submitted pursuant to NRS 679B.430 include, without limitation, information regarding:
(a) Liability insurance provided to:
(1) Governmental agencies and political subdivisions of this state, reported separately for:
(I) Cities and towns;
(II) School districts; and
(III) Other political subdivisions;
(2) Public officers;
(3) Establishments where alcoholic beverages are sold;
(4) Facilities for the care of children;
(5) Labor, fraternal or religious organizations; and
(6) Officers or directors of organizations formed pursuant to title 7 of NRS, reported separately for nonprofit entities and entities organized for profit;
(b) Liability insurance for:
(1) Defective products;
(2) Medical or dental malpractice of:
(I) A practitioner licensed pursuant to chapter 630, 630A, 631, 632, 633, 634, 634A, 635, 636, 637, 637A, 637B, 639 or 640 of NRS;
(II) A hospital or other health care facility; or
(III) Any related corporate entity.
(3) Malpractice of attorneys;
(4) Malpractice of architects and engineers; and
(5) Errors and omissions by other professionally qualified persons;
(c) Vehicle insurance, reported separately for:
(1) Private vehicles;
(2) Commercial vehicles;
(3) Liability insurance; and
(4) Insurance for property damage;
(d) Workers� compensation insurance; and
(e) In addition to any information provided pursuant to subparagraph (2) of paragraph (b) or NRS 690B.260, a policy of insurance for medical malpractice. As used in this paragraph, �policy of insurance for medical malpractice� has the meaning ascribed to it in NRS 679B.144.
2. The Commissioner may require that the report include, without limitation, information specifically pertaining to this state or to an insurer in its entirety, in the aggregate or by type of insurance, and for a previous or current year, regarding:
(a) Premiums directly written;
(b) Premiums directly earned;
(c) Number of policies issued;
(d) Net investment income, using appropriate estimates when necessary;
(e) Losses paid;
(f) Losses incurred;
(g) Loss reserves, including:
(1) Losses unpaid on reported claims; and
(2) Losses unpaid on incurred but not reported claims;
(h) Number of claims, including:
(1) Claims paid; and
(2) Claims that have arisen but are unpaid;
(i) Expenses for adjustment of losses, including allocated and unallocated losses;
(j) Net underwriting gain or loss;
(k) Net operation gain or loss, including net investment income; and
(l) Any other information requested by the Commissioner.
3. The Commissioner may also obtain, based upon an insurer in its entirety, information regarding:
(a) Recoverable federal income tax;
(b) Net unrealized capital gain or loss; and
(c) All other expenses not included in subsection 2.
Last modified: February 27, 2006