Hearing on rates open to public; cost for transcripts; public testimony.
1. Any hearing held by the Commissioner to determine whether rates comply with the provisions of NRS 686B.010 to 686B.1799, inclusive, must be open to members of the public.
2. All costs for transcripts prepared pursuant to such a hearing must be paid by the insurer requesting the hearing.
3. At any hearing which is held by the Commissioner to determine whether rates comply with the provisions of NRS 686B.010 to 686B.1799, inclusive, and which involves rates for insurance covering the liability of a practitioner licensed pursuant to chapter 630, 631, 632 or 633 of NRS for a breach of his professional duty toward a patient, if a person is not otherwise authorized pursuant to this title to become a party to the hearing by intervention, the person is entitled to provide testimony at the hearing if, not later than 2 days before the date set for the hearing, the person files with the Commissioner a written statement which states:
(a) The name and title of the person;
(b) The interest of the person in the hearing; and
(c) A brief summary describing the purpose of the testimony the person will offer at the hearing.
4. If a person provides testimony at a hearing in accordance with subsection 3:
(a) The Commissioner may, if he finds it necessary to preserve order, prevent inordinate delay or protect the rights of the parties at the hearing, place reasonable limitations on the duration of the testimony and prohibit the person from providing testimony that is not relevant to the issues raised at the hearing.
(b) The Commissioner shall consider all relevant testimony provided by the person at the hearing in determining whether the rates comply with the provisions of NRS 686B.010 to 686B.1799, inclusive.
Last modified: February 27, 2006