Nevada Revised Statutes Section 695E.110 - Insurance

�Risk retention group� defined. �Risk retention group� means any corporation or association with limited liability that is formed under the laws of any state, Bermuda or the Cayman Islands:

1. Whose primary activity consists of assuming and spreading all or any portion of the exposure of its members to liability;

2. Which is organized primarily to conduct the activity described in subsection 1;

3. Which:

(a) Is chartered and licensed as a liability insurer and authorized to transact insurance under the laws of any state; or

(b) Before January 1, 1985, was chartered or licensed and authorized to transact insurance under the laws of Bermuda or the Cayman Islands and, before that date, had certified to the Commissioner of Insurance of at least one state that it satisfied the state�s requirements for capitalization, except that such a group is considered to be a risk retention group only if it has been engaged in business continuously since that date and only for the purpose of continuing to provide insurance to cover product liability or completed operations liability;

4. Which does not exclude any person from membership in the group solely to provide for members of the group a competitive advantage over an excluded person;

5. Which has as its:

(a) Members only persons who have an ownership interest in the group and who are provided insurance by the risk retention group; or

(b) Sole owner an organization which has as its:

(1) Members only persons who comprise the membership of the risk retention group; and

(2) Owners only persons who comprise the membership of the risk retention group and who are provided insurance by the group;

6. Whose members are engaged in businesses or activities similar or related with respect to the liability to which they are exposed by virtue of any related, similar or common business, trade, product, services, premises or operations;

7. Whose activities do not include the provision of insurance other than:

(a) Liability insurance for assuming and spreading all or any portion of the liability of the members of the group; and

(b) Reinsurance with respect to the liability of any other risk retention group, or any member of such a group, that is engaged in a business or activity such that the other group or member meets the requirements of subsection 6 for membership in the risk retention group that provides reinsurance; and

8. The name of which includes the phrase �risk retention group.�

Last modified: February 27, 2006