Nevada Revised Statutes Section 696A.210 - Insurance

Required provisions. A service contract as defined in NRS 696A.070 shall not be executed, issued or delivered in this state unless it contains the following:

1. The exact corporate or other name of the club.

2. The exact location of its home office and of its usual place of business in this state, giving street number and city.

3. A provision that the contract may be cancelled at any time by either the club or the holder, and that the holder will, if he has actually paid the consideration, thereupon be entitled to the unused portion of the consideration paid for such contract, calculated on a pro rata basis over the period of the contract, without any deductions.

4. A provision plainly specifying:

(a) The services promised.

(b) That the holder will not be required to pay any sum, in addition to the amount specified in the contract, for any services thus specified.

(c) The territory wherein such services are to be rendered.

(d) The date when such service will commence.

5. A statement in not less than 14-point modern type at the head of the contract stating, �This is not an insurance contract.�

Last modified: February 27, 2006