License required; administrative fine; general restrictions on licensing.
1. A person in this state shall not act in the capacity of a bail agent, bail enforcement agent or bail solicitor, or perform any of the functions, duties or powers prescribed for a bail agent, bail enforcement agent or bail solicitor under the provisions of this chapter, unless that person is qualified and licensed as provided in this chapter. The Commissioner may, after notice and opportunity to be heard, impose an administrative fine of not more than $1,000 for each act or violation of the provisions of this subsection.
2. A person, whether or not located in this state, shall not act as or hold himself out to be a general agent unless qualified and licensed as such under the provisions of this chapter.
3. For the protection of the people of this state, the Commissioner shall not issue or renew, or permit to exist, any license except in compliance with this chapter. The Commissioner shall not issue or renew, or permit to exist, a license for any person found to be untrustworthy or incompetent, or who has not established to the satisfaction of the Commissioner that he is qualified therefor in accordance with this chapter.
Last modified: February 27, 2006