Account for money and valuables accepted from parolee; disposition of money and valuables upon discharge.
1. The Chief of the Youth Parole Bureau may accept from a child who is paroled money and other valuables for safekeeping pending the discharge of the child from parole.
2. If the Chief of the Youth Parole Bureau accepts from a child who is paroled money or other valuables for safekeeping, the Chief shall:
(a) Deposit the money in an account in a qualified financial institution.
(b) Keep a full account of any money and valuables; and
(c) Submit reports to the Administrator of the Division of Child and Family Services regarding the money and valuables as the Administrator may require.
3. When a child is discharged from parole, the Chief of the Youth Parole Bureau shall:
(a) Issue to the child a check in the amount of the balance held in the account for the child; and
(b) Return to the child any valuables held for safekeeping.
Last modified: February 25, 2006