Recommended plans for provision of services to emotionally disturbed children: Preparation by consortia; requirements; submission to Department. [Effective July 1, 2005.]
1. On or before July 1 of each year, each mental health consortium established pursuant to NRS 433B.333 shall prepare a recommended plan for the provision of mental health services to emotionally disturbed children in the jurisdiction of the consortium.
2. In preparing the recommended plan, each mental health consortium must be guided by the following principles:
(a) The system of mental health services set forth in the plan should be centered on emotionally disturbed children and their families, with the needs and strengths of those children and their families dictating the types and mix of services provided.
(b) The families of emotionally disturbed children, including, without limitation, foster parents, should be active participants in all aspects of planning, selecting and delivering mental health services at the local level.
(c) The system of mental health services should be community-based and flexible, with accountability and the focus of the services at the local level.
(d) The system of mental health services should provide timely access to a comprehensive array of cost-effective mental health services.
(e) Children and their families who are in need of mental health services should be identified as early as possible through screening, assessment processes, treatment and systems of support.
(f) Comprehensive mental health services should be made available in the least restrictive but clinically appropriate environment.
(g) The family of an emotionally disturbed child should be eligible to receive mental health services from the system.
(h) Mental health services should be provided to emotionally disturbed children in a sensitive manner that is responsive to cultural and gender-based differences and the special needs of the children.
3. The plan prepared pursuant to this section must include:
(a) An assessment of the need for mental health services in the jurisdiction of the consortium;
(b) A description of the types of services to be offered to emotionally disturbed children based on the amount of money available to pay the costs of such mental health services within the jurisdiction of the consortium;
(c) Criteria for eligibility for those services;
(d) A description of the manner in which those services may be obtained by eligible children;
(e) The manner in which the costs for those services will be allocated;
(f) The mechanisms to manage the money provided for those services;
(g) Documentation of the number of emotionally disturbed children who are not currently being provided services, the costs to provide services to those children, the obstacles to providing services to those children and recommendations for removing those obstacles;
(h) Methods for obtaining additional money and services for emotionally disturbed children from private and public entities; and
(i) The manner in which family members of eligible children and other persons may be involved in the treatment of the children.
4. On or before July 15 of each year, each mental health consortium shall submit the recommended plan prepared pursuant to this section to the Department. If the Department disapproves the plan, the Department shall submit the plan to the consortium for revision and resubmission to the Department.
Last modified: February 27, 2006