Seal: Design; use; regulations; unlawful acts.
1. Upon being issued a certificate of registration, each registered architect, registered interior designer or residential designer shall obtain a seal of the design authorized by the Board, bearing the architect’s, registered interior designer’s or residential designer’s name, the number of his certificate of registration, and the legend “Registered Architect,” “Registered Interior Designer” or “Residential Designer.”
2. A plan, specification, report or other document issued by a registered architect, registered interior designer or residential designer for official use must be signed, sealed and dated by him. The Board may adopt regulations specifying the manner in which a registered architect, registered interior designer or residential designer may electronically transmit such a plan, specification, report or other document.
3. It is unlawful for a person to stamp or seal any plan, specification, report or other document with the seal after the certificate of registration of the architect, registered interior designer or residential designer, named therein, has expired or has been suspended or revoked, unless the certificate has been renewed or reissued.
4. Any plan, drawing, specification or other document prepared by a registered interior designer must contain a statement that the plan, study, drawing, specification or other document was prepared by a registered interior designer registered pursuant to the provisions of this chapter.
Last modified: February 27, 2006