Crediting of work experience; applicant for certificate required to comply with requirements for education and experience before taking examination.
1. For the purpose of issuing a certificate of registration or a certificate to practice as a landscape architect intern pursuant to the provisions of this chapter, the Board shall credit work experience as follows:
(a) One hundred and thirty hours or more of work in the practice of landscape architecture completed during a month is equal to 1 month of work experience.
(b) Eighty-five hours or more but less than one hundred and thirty hours of work in the practice of landscape architecture completed during a month is equal to one-half of a month of work experience.
2. The Board shall not grant credit for work experience to an applicant for less than 85 hours of work experience in the practice of landscape architecture completed during a month.
3. Before the Board may grant credit to an applicant for work experience pursuant to the provisions of this section, the employer of the applicant must submit proof satisfactory to the Board that the applicant completed the work experience for which he wishes to receive credit.
4. Except as otherwise provided in this subsection, all work experience must be completed under the direct supervision of a holder of a certificate of registration. The Board may adopt regulations that provide for the granting of credit for not more than 1 year of work experience completed under the direct supervision of a person who is licensed in a profession other than the practice of landscape architecture.
5. Each applicant for a certificate of registration or certificate to practice as a landscape architect intern must, before he takes one or more examinations required for the certificate, comply with the requirements for education and experience set forth in this chapter and any regulations adopted by the Board.
Last modified: February 27, 2006