Legislative findings. The Legislature finds that:
1. The explosion of knowledge and the increasing complexity of practice make it essential that certified public accountants and public accountants continue to develop their competence and maintain the general quality of the practice of their profession.
2. The public interest requires that certified public accountants and registered public accountants provide competent service in all areas of their practice.
3. Formal programs of continuing education provide certified public accountants and public accountants with the opportunity to maintain the general quality of the practice of their profession.
4. It is in the public interest to require that certified public accountants and registered public accountants who have certificates and who have been registered, respectively, under the provisions of this chapter comply with requirements for continuing education adopted by the Board as a prerequisite to the issuance or renewal of permits to engage in the practice of public accounting pursuant to NRS 628.380.
Last modified: February 27, 2006