Partnerships, corporations and limited-liability companies: Revocation or suspension of registration; sanctions; censure; additional grounds for disciplinary action.
1. After giving notice and conducting a hearing, the Board shall revoke the registration of a partnership, corporation or limited-liability company if at any time it does not have all the qualifications prescribed by the section of this chapter under which it qualified for registration.
2. After giving notice and conducting a hearing, the Board may revoke or suspend the registration of a partnership, corporation or limited-liability company, or may censure the partnership, corporation or limited-liability company, or impose a sanction authorized by NRS 628.390, for any of the causes enumerated in subsection 1 of NRS 628.390, or for one or both of the following additional causes:
(a) The revocation or suspension of the certificate or registration or the revocation or suspension or refusal to renew the permit to practice of any partner or shareholder who is personally engaged in the practice of public accounting in this State, whether or not he holds a live permit in this State.
(b) The cancellation, revocation, suspension or refusal to renew the authority of the partnership, corporation or limited-liability company, or any partner, shareholder or member thereof to practice public accounting in any other state for any cause other than failure to pay an annual registration fee or comply with a requirement for continuing education or practice review in the other state.
Last modified: February 27, 2006