Definitions. As used in this chapter, unless the context otherwise requires:
1. “Client” means a person who receives advice from a financial planner.
2. “Compensation” means a fee for services provided by a financial planner to a client or a commission or other remuneration derived by a financial planner from a person other than the client as the result of the purchase of a good or service by the client.
3. “Financial planner” means a person who for compensation advises others upon the investment of money or upon provision for income to be needed in the future, or who holds himself out as qualified to perform either of these functions, but does not include:
(a) An attorney and counselor at law admitted by the Supreme Court of this state;
(b) A certified public accountant or a public accountant licensed pursuant to NRS 628.190 to 628.310, inclusive, or 628.350;
(c) A broker-dealer or sales representative licensed pursuant to NRS 90.310 or exempt under NRS 90.320;
(d) An investment adviser licensed pursuant to NRS 90.330 or exempt under NRS 90.340; or
(e) A producer of insurance licensed pursuant to chapter 683A of NRS or an insurance consultant licensed pursuant to chapter 683C of NRS,
Ęwhose advice upon investment or provision of future income is incidental to the practice of his profession or business.
Last modified: February 27, 2006