Acts constituting illegal practice of dentistry. A person is guilty of the illegal practice of dentistry or dental hygiene who:
1. Sells or barters, or offers to sell or barter, any diploma or document conferring or purporting to confer any dental degree, or any certificate or transcript made or purporting to be made pursuant to the laws regulating the licensing and registration of dentists or dental hygienists;
2. Purchases or procures by barter any such diploma, certificate or transcript, with the intent that it be used as evidence of the holder’s qualifications to practice dentistry, or in fraud of the laws regulating that practice;
3. With fraudulent intent, alters in a material regard any such diploma, certificate or transcript;
4. Uses or attempts to use any diploma, certificate or transcript, which has been purchased, fraudulently issued, counterfeited or materially altered, either as a license or color of license to practice dentistry, or in order to procure registration as a dentist or a dental hygienist;
5. Practices dentistry under a false or assumed name;
6. Assumes the degree of “Doctor of Dental Surgery” or “Doctor of Dental Medicine” or appends the letters “D.D.S.” or “D.M.D.” or “R.D.H.” to his name, not having conferred upon him, by diploma from an accredited dental or dental hygiene college or school legally empowered to confer the title, the right to assume the title; or assumes any title or appends any letters to his name with the intent to represent falsely that he has received a dental degree or license;
7. Willfully makes, as an applicant for examination, license or registration under this chapter, a false statement in a material regard in an affidavit required by this chapter;
8. Within 10 days after a demand is made by the Secretary-Treasurer, fails to furnish to the Board the names and addresses of all persons practicing or assisting in the practice of dentistry in the office of the person at any time within 60 days before the notice, together with a sworn statement showing under and by what license or authority the person and his employee are and have been practicing dentistry, but the affidavit must not be used as evidence against the person in any proceeding under this chapter;
9. Except as otherwise provided in NRS 629.091, practices dentistry or dental hygiene in this state without a license;
10. Except as otherwise provided in NRS 631.385, owns or controls a dental practice, shares in the fees received by a dentist or controls or attempts to control the services offered by a dentist if the person is not himself licensed pursuant to this chapter; or
11. Aids or abets another in violating any of the provisions of this chapter.
Last modified: February 27, 2006