Scope of examination.
1. An examination, other than one conducted solely for reexamination of an examinee who has failed in a previous examination, must include testing in the following areas:
(a) General anatomy.
(b) General physiology.
(c) Ocular anatomy.
(d) Ocular physiology.
(e) Ocular pathology.
(f ) Geometric optics.
(g) Physiological optics.
(h) Theoretical optometry.
(i) Practical optometry.
(j ) Retinoscopy and ophthalmic instruments.
(k) Ophthalmoscopy and biomicroscopy.
(l) Neurology, visual fields and perimetry.
(m) Vision therapy.
(n) Clinical optometry.
(o) Contact lenses.
(p) Pharmacology.
(q ) Statutes and regulations governing the practice of optometry.
(r) Such other areas as the Board may prescribe.
2. An examination must also provide for an evaluation of the examinee’s knowledge of the following areas:
(a) Basic science.
(b) Clinical science.
(c) Care and management of patients.
Last modified: February 27, 2006