Euthanasia technician: Application for license; qualifications; fee. [Effective on the date of the repeal of the federal law requiring each state to establish procedures for withholding, suspending and restricting the professional, occupational and recreational licenses for child support arrearages and for noncompliance with certain processes relating to paternity or child support proceedings.]
1. Any person who desires to secure a license as a euthanasia technician must make written application to the Executive Director of the Board.
2. The application must be accompanied by satisfactory proof that the applicant:
(a) Is of good moral character.
(b) Is a citizen of the United States or is lawfully entitled to remain and work in the United States.
(c) Is employed by a law enforcement agency, an animal control agency, or by a society for the prevention of cruelty to animals that is in compliance with the provisions of chapter 574 of NRS.
(d) Has not been convicted of a felony.
(e) Has furnished any other information required by the Board.
3. The application must be accompanied by a fee to be set by the Board in an amount not to exceed $500.
Last modified: February 27, 2006