Pharmacy located outside Nevada: Licensing; requirements.
1. Every pharmacy located outside Nevada that provides mail order service to or solicits or advertises for orders for drugs available with a prescription from a resident of Nevada must be licensed by the Board.
2. To be licensed or to renew a license, such a pharmacy must:
(a) Be licensed as a pharmacy, or the equivalent, by the state or country in which its dispensing facilities are located.
(b) Comply with all applicable federal laws, regulations and standards.
(c) Submit an application in the form furnished by the Board.
(d) Provide the following information to the Board:
(1) The name and address of the owner;
(2) The location of the pharmacy;
(3) The name of the pharmacist who is the managing pharmacist; and
(4) Any other information the Board deems necessary.
(e) Pay the fee required by regulation of the Board.
(f) Submit evidence satisfactory to the Board that the facility, records and operation of the pharmacy comply with the laws and regulations of the state or country in which the pharmacy is located.
(g) Submit certification satisfactory to the Board that the pharmacy complies with all lawful requests and directions from the regulatory board or licensing authority of the state or country in which the pharmacy is located relating to the shipment, mailing or delivery of drugs.
(h) Be certified by the Board pursuant to NRS 639.23288 if the pharmacy operates an Internet pharmacy.
3. In addition to the requirements of subsection 2, the Board may require such a pharmacy to be inspected by the Board.
Last modified: February 27, 2006