Pharmacy located outside Nevada: Requirements to provide mail order service. Every pharmacy located outside Nevada that provides mail order service to a resident of Nevada:
1. Shall report to the Board any change of information that appears on its license and pay the fee required by regulation of the Board.
2. Shall make available for inspection all pertinent records, reports, documents or other material or information required by the Board.
3. As required by the Board, must be inspected by the Board or:
(a) The regulatory board or licensing authority of the state or country in which the pharmacy is located; or
(b) The Drug Enforcement Administration.
4. As required by the Board, shall provide the following information concerning each prescription for a drug that is shipped, mailed or delivered to a resident of Nevada:
(a) The name of the patient;
(b) The name of the prescriber;
(c) The number of the prescription;
(d) The date of the prescription;
(e) The name of the drug; and
(f) The strength and quantity of the dose.
Last modified: February 27, 2006