Representation or practice as psychologist without license prohibited; exceptions.
1. A person shall not represent himself as a psychologist within the meaning of this chapter or engage in the practice of psychology unless he is licensed under the provisions of this chapter, except that any psychological scientist employed by an accredited educational institution or public agency which has set explicit standards may represent himself by the title conferred upon him by such institution or agency.
2. This section does not grant approval for any person to offer his services as a psychologist to any other person as a consultant, and to accept remuneration for such psychological services, other than that of his institutional salary, unless he has been licensed under the provisions of this chapter.
3. This chapter does not prevent the teaching of psychology or psychological research, unless the teaching or research involves the delivery or supervision of direct psychological services to a person. Persons who have earned a doctoral degree in psychology from an accredited educational institution may use the title “psychologist” in conjunction with the activities permitted by this subsection.
4. A graduate student in psychology whose activities are part of the course of study for a graduate degree in psychology at an accredited educational institution or a person pursuing postdoctoral training or experience in psychology to fulfill the requirements for licensure under the provisions of this chapter may use the terms “psychological trainee,” “psychological intern,” “psychological resident” or “psychological assistant” if the activities are performed under the supervision of a licensed psychologist in accordance with the regulations adopted by the Board.
5. A person who is certified as a school psychologist by the State Board of Education may use the title “school psychologist” or “certified school psychologist” in connection with activities relating to school psychologists.
Last modified: February 27, 2006