Unlawful representation and practice as marriage and family therapist without license; exceptions.
1. It is unlawful for any person to engage in the practice of marriage and family therapy unless he is licensed under the provisions of this chapter.
2. The provisions of this chapter do not:
(a) Prevent any licensed physician, licensed nurse, licensed psychologist, certified alcohol or drug abuse counselor or other person licensed or certified by the State from carrying out the functions permitted by his respective license or certification if the person does not hold himself out to the public by any title and description of service likely to cause confusion with the titles and descriptions of service set forth in this chapter.
(b) Apply to any activity or service of a student who is obtaining a professional education as recognized by the Board if the activity or service constitutes a part of the student’s supervised course of study, the activities are supervised by a licensee under this chapter and the student is designated by the title “intern in marriage and family therapy” or any other title which clearly indicates his status as a student.
(c) Apply to any activity or service of an intern while he is obtaining the experience required for licensing as a marriage and family therapist.
(d) Apply to a licensed or ordained minister in good standing with his denomination whose duty is primarily to serve his congregation and whose practice of marriage and family therapy is incidental to his other duties if he does not hold himself out to the public by any title or description of service that is likely to cause confusion with the titles and descriptions or services set forth in this chapter.
Last modified: February 27, 2006