Examination; representative of public not to participate in grading.
1. Except as otherwise provided in NRS 641B.275, before the issuance of a license, each applicant, otherwise eligible for licensure, who has paid the fee and presented the required credentials, other than an applicant for a license to engage in social work as an associate in social work, must appear personally and pass an examination concerning his knowledge of the practice of social work.
2. Any such examination must be fair and impartial, practical in character with questions designed to discover the applicant’s fitness.
3. The Board may employ specialists and other professional consultants or examining services in conducting the examination.
4. The member of the Board who is the representative of the general public shall not participate in the grading of the examination.
5. The Board shall examine applicants for licensure at least twice a year.
Last modified: February 27, 2006