Reports of criminal history: Use by Board in making determinations concerning licensure and certification; power of Board to require submission of fingerprints to obtain reports.
1. The Board may use any information included in a report of criminal history that is obtained pursuant to this section or NRS 641C.260 in determining whether:
(a) To issue, renew, restore, suspend, revoke or reinstate a license or certificate pursuant to this chapter; or
(b) Any ground for imposing any disciplinary action exists pursuant to NRS 641C.700.
2. Before renewing, restoring or reinstating the license or certificate of a licensed counselor, certified counselor or certified intern, the Board may, by regulation, require the licensed counselor, certified counselor or certified intern to submit to the Board a complete set of his fingerprints and written permission authorizing the Board to forward the fingerprints to the Central Repository for Nevada Records of Criminal History for submission to the Federal Bureau of Investigation for its report.
3. A regulation adopted pursuant to subsection 2 must set forth the circumstances under which the Board will require a detoxification technician to submit his fingerprints and written authorization specified in that subsection before renewing, restoring or reinstating his certificate.
Last modified: February 27, 2006