Examination of applicant; requirements to take examination; subject matters covered; requirements for issuance of license.
1. Every person who wishes to practice the profession of embalming must appear before the Board and must be examined in the knowledge of the subjects set forth in subsection 5.
2. If a person is a registered apprentice, the person must fulfill the requirements of NRS 642.310 and 642.330 before the person may take the examination.
3. If a person is not a registered apprentice, the person must pay the examination fee prescribed in NRS 642.0696 before the person may take the examination.
4. Examinations must be in writing, and the Board may require actual demonstration on a cadaver. An applicant who has passed the national examination given by the International Conference of Funeral Service Examining Boards is not required to take any portion of the examination set forth in subsection 5 that repeats or duplicates a portion of the national examination. All examination papers must be kept on record by the Board.
5. The members of the Board shall examine applicants for licenses in the following subjects:
(a) Anatomy, sanitary science and signs of death.
(b) Care, disinfection, preservation, transportation of and burial or other final disposition of dead bodies.
(c) The manner in which death may be determined.
(d) The prevention of the spread of infectious and contagious diseases.
(e) Chemistry, including toxicology.
(f) Restorative art, including plastic surgery and derma surgery.
(g) The laws and regulations of this state relating to funeral directing and embalming.
(h) Regulations of the State Board of Health relating to infectious diseases and quarantine.
(i) Any other subject which the Board may determine by regulation to be necessary or proper to prove the efficiency and qualification of the applicant.
6. If an applicant fulfills the requirements set forth in this chapter to be licensed to practice the profession of embalming, has passed the examination required by this chapter and has paid all fees related to the application and the examination, the Board shall issue to the applicant a license to practice the profession of embalming for 1 year.
Last modified: February 27, 2006