Unlawful acts concerning sanitation and operation of barbershop.
1. It shall be unlawful for any licensed barber or apprentice:
(a) Knowingly to continue the practice of barbering, or for any student knowingly to continue as a student in any barber school while the person has an infectious, contagious or communicable disease.
(b) To use upon one patron a towel that has been used upon another patron unless the towel has been relaundered.
(c) Not to provide the headrest on each chair with a relaundered towel or a sheet of clean paper for each patron.
(d) Not to place around the patron’s neck a strip of cotton, towel or neckband so that the hair cloth does not come in contact with the neck or skin of the patron’s body.
(e) To use in the practice of barbering any styptic pencils, finger bowls, sponges, lump alum or powder puffs. Possession of a styptic pencil, finger bowl, sponge, lump alum or powder puff in a barbershop is prima facie evidence that the item is being used therein in the practice of barbering.
(f) To use on any patron any razors, scissors, tweezers, combs, rubber discs or parts of vibrators used on another patron, unless the items are kept in a closed compartment and immersed in boiling water or in a solution of 2 percent carbolic acid, or its equivalent, before each use.
2. It shall be unlawful to own, manage, control or operate any barbershop unless:
(a) Continuously hot and cold running water is provided.
(b) A recognized sign is displayed at the main entrance to the shop indicating that it is a barbershop.
Last modified: February 27, 2006