Unlawful practices without license; exceptions.
1. It is unlawful for any person to conduct or operate a cosmetological establishment, school of cosmetology or any other place of business in which any one or any combination of the occupations of cosmetology are taught or practiced unless he is licensed in accordance with the provisions of this chapter.
2. Except as otherwise provided in subsection 4, it is unlawful for any person to engage in, or attempt to engage in, the practice of cosmetology or any branch thereof, whether for compensation or otherwise, unless he is licensed in accordance with the provisions of this chapter.
3. This chapter does not prohibit:
(a) Any student in any school of cosmetology established pursuant to the provisions of this chapter from engaging, in the school and as a student, in work connected with any branch or any combination of branches of cosmetology in the school.
(b) An electrologist’s apprentice from participating in a course of practical training and study.
(c) A person issued a provisional license as an instructor pursuant to NRS 644.193 from acting as an instructor and accepting compensation therefor while accumulating the hours of training as a teacher required for an instructor’s license.
(d) The rendering of cosmetological services by a person who is licensed in accordance with the provisions of this chapter, if those services are rendered in connection with photographic services provided by a photographer.
(e) A registered cosmetologist’s apprentice from engaging in the practice of cosmetology under the immediate supervision of a licensed cosmetologist.
4. A person employed to render cosmetological services in the course of and incidental to the production of a motion picture, television program, commercial or advertisement is exempt from the licensing requirements of this chapter if he renders cosmetological services only to persons who will appear in that motion picture, television program, commercial or advertisement.
Last modified: February 27, 2006