Supervision; equipment, courses, records and other requirements.
1. A school of cosmetology must at all times be under the immediate supervision of a licensed instructor who has had practical experience of at least 1 year in the practice of a majority of the branches of cosmetology in an established place of business.
2. A school of cosmetology shall:
(a) Maintain a school term of not less than 1,800 hours extending over a period of not more than 36 months, and maintain a course of practical training and technical instruction equal to the requirements for examination for a license as a cosmetologist.
(b) Maintain apparatus and equipment sufficient to teach all the subjects of its curriculum.
(c) Keep a daily record of the attendance of each student, a record devoted to the different practices, establish grades and hold examinations before issuing diplomas. These records must be submitted to the Board pursuant to its regulations.
(d) Include in its curriculum a course of deportment consisting of instruction in courtesy, neatness and professional attitude in meeting the public.
(e) Arrange the courses devoted to each branch or practice of cosmetology as the Board may from time to time adopt as the course to be followed by the schools.
(f) Not allow any student to perform services on the public for more than 7 hours in any day.
(g) Conduct at least 5 hours of instruction in theory in each 40-hour week or 6 hours of instruction in theory in each 48-hour week, which must be attended by all registered students.
(h) Require that all work by students be done on the basis of rotation.
3. The Board may, upon request, authorize a school of cosmetology to offer, in addition to courses which are included in any curriculum required for licensure as a cosmetologist, any other course.
Last modified: February 27, 2006