Form, contents and posting of license; pocket cards; change of address; licenses not assignable.
1. The license, when issued, shall be in such form as may be determined by the Board and shall include:
(a) The name of the licensee.
(b) The name under which the licensee is to operate.
(c) The number and date of the license.
(d) The expiration date of the license.
(e) If the licensee is a corporation, the name of the person or persons affiliated with the corporation on the basis of whose qualifications such license is issued.
(f) The classification or classifications of work which the license authorizes.
2. The license shall at all times be posted in a conspicuous place in the principal place of business of the licensee.
3. Upon the issuance of a license, a pocket card of such size, design and content as may be determined by the Board shall be issued without charge to each licensee, if an individual, or if the licensee is a person other than an individual, to its manager and to each of its officers, directors and partners, which card shall be evidence that the licensee is duly licensed pursuant to this chapter. When any person to whom a card is issued terminates his position, office or association with the licensee, the card shall be surrendered to the licensee and within 5 days thereafter shall be mailed or delivered by the licensee to the Board for cancellation.
4. A licensee shall, within 30 days after such change, notify the board of any and all changes of his address, of the name under which he does business, and of any change in its officers, directors or partners.
5. A license issued under this chapter is not assignable.
Last modified: February 27, 2006