Certain sellers to give notice of rates for water and sewerage services.
1. Any person who is proposing to sell a previously unsold home or improved lot for which water or sewerage services will be provided by a public utility that:
(a) Serves or plans to serve more than 25 customers; and
(b) Presently serves fewer than 2,000 customers,
Êshall post in a conspicuous place on the property or at his sales office if an improved lot is being sold, a notice which states the current rates to be charged for such services or, if the public utility is not presently serving customers, the projected rates to be charged. The notice must also contain the name, address and telephone number of the public utility and the Division of Consumer Complaint Resolution of the Public Utilities Commission of Nevada.
2. Before the home or lot is sold, the seller shall give the purchaser a copy of the notice described in subsection 1.
Last modified: February 27, 2006