Requirements for agreement for resale of time share; reseller to provide copy of agreement to owner.
1. An agreement for a time‑share resale entered into by an owner and a person who resells a time share must:
(a) Be in writing; and
(b) Contain a disclosure that sets forth:
(1) Whether any person other than the purchaser may use the time share during the period before the time share is resold;
(2) Whether any person other than the purchaser may rent the use of the time share during the period before the time share is resold;
(3) The name of any person who will receive any rents or profits generated from the use of the time share during the period before the time share is resold; and
(4) A detailed description of any relationship between the person who resells the time share and any other person who receives any benefit from the use of the time share.
2. A person who resells a time share shall provide a fully executed copy of the written agreement described in subsection 1 to the owner on the date that the owner signs the agreement.
3. A person who resells a time share shall make the disclosures required pursuant to paragraph (b) of subsection 1 before accepting anything of value from the owner.
Last modified: February 27, 2006