Nevada Revised Statutes Section 360.830 - Revenue and Taxation

Acquisition or expansion of certain public utilities: Requirements for interlocal agreements for compensation of affected local governments.

1. Except as otherwise provided in this section, if on or after July 1, 2003, a local government:

(a) Acquires from another entity a public utility that provides water service or sewer service; or

(b) Expands facilities for the provision of water service, sewer service, electric service, natural gas service, telecommunications service or community antenna television service, and the expansion results in the local government serving additional retail customers who were, before the expansion, retail customers of a public utility which provided that service,

the local government shall enter into an interlocal agreement with each affected local government to compensate the affected local government each fiscal year, as nearly as practicable, for the amount of any money from state and local taxes and franchise fees and from payments in lieu of those taxes and franchise fees, and for any compensation from a local government pursuant to this section, the affected local government would be entitled to receive but will not receive because of the acquisition of that public utility or expansion of those facilities as provided in this section.

2. An affected local government may waive any or all of the compensation to which it may be entitled pursuant to subsection 1.

3. The provisions of this section do not require a:

(a) Local government to provide any compensation to an affected local government to the extent that the provision of that compensation would cause a deficiency in the money available to the local government to make required payments of principal of, premium, if any, or interest on any bonds or other securities issued to finance the acquisition of that public utility or expansion of those facilities, or to make required payments to any funds established under the proceedings under which those bonds or other securities were issued.

(b) County to duplicate any compensation an affected local government receives from any payments in lieu of taxes required pursuant to NRS 244A.755.

Last modified: February 27, 2006