Manufacturers, distributors, dealers and rebuilders: Certificates of registration and special plates for vehicles provided by Department upon licensing; special plates for loaned vehicles.
1. Upon issuance of a dealer�s, distributor�s, manufacturer�s or rebuilder�s license certificate pursuant to NRS 482.322, the Department shall furnish to the manufacturer, distributor, dealer or rebuilder one or more registration certificates and special plates for use on the vehicles described in the provisions of NRS 482.320. Each plate must have displayed upon it the identification number which is assigned to the dealer, distributor, manufacturer or rebuilder, and may at the discretion of the Department have a different letter or symbol on each plate or pair of plates. The manufacturer�s, distributor�s, dealer�s or rebuilder�s license plates may be used interchangeably on that vehicle.
2. The Department shall issue to each dealer a reasonable number of registration certificates and license plates.
3. The Department shall provide by regulation for the issuance of special license plates to dealers or rebuilders and for the number of those plates for use on vehicles loaned by those dealers or rebuilders to:
(a) Customers in the course of business.
(b) The State of Nevada.
(c) The University and Community College System of Nevada.
(d) A school district.
(e) A county, city or town.
(f) An organization that is exempt from taxation pursuant to the provisions of section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.
� The regulations must prescribe what use may be made of the plates and the persons who may operate a motor vehicle with those plates.
Last modified: February 25, 2006