Nevada Revised Statutes Section 482.3811 - Public Safety - Vehicles - Watercraft

Antique vehicle: Trucks and truck-tractors.

1. Except as otherwise provided in this subsection, the Department may design, prepare and issue special license plates and registration certificates to residents of Nevada for an antique truck or truck-tractor pursuant to this section. The Department shall not design, prepare or issue the license plates unless it receives at least 250 applications for the issuance of those plates. Except as otherwise provided in subsection 3, the antique truck or truck-tractor must not be used for general transportation, but may be used for antique truck shows, exhibitions, parades or similar activities.

2. In lieu of the annual registration and fees required by this chapter, and of the governmental services tax imposed by chapter 371 of NRS, the owner of an antique truck or truck-tractor may submit:

(a) An affidavit to the Department indicating that the antique truck or truck-tractor:

(1) Will be used only for the purposes enumerated in subsection 1;

(2) Has been inspected and found safe to be operated on the highways of this State;

(3) Will be at least 25 years old on the date on which the owner of the antique truck or truck-tractor applies for license plates pursuant to this section; and

(4) Has a manufacturer�s rated carrying capacity of more than 1 ton.

(b) The following fees for the issuance of license plates pursuant to this section:

(1) For the first issuance......................................................................................... $15

(2) For a renewal sticker.............................................................................................. 5

3. If the owner elects to use the antique truck or truck-tractor as general transportation, he shall pay the regular annual registration and fees prescribed by law and the governmental services tax imposed by chapter 371 of NRS.

4. License plates issued pursuant to this section must bear the inscription �Antique Truck,� and the plates must be numbered consecutively.

5. The cost of the die and the modifications necessary for the issuance of a license plate pursuant to this section must be paid from private sources without any expense to the State of Nevada.

6. If, during a registration year, the holder of license plates issued pursuant to the provisions of this section disposes of the vehicle to which the plates are affixed, the holder shall:

(a) Retain the plates and affix them to another vehicle that meets the requirements of this section if the transfer and registration fees are paid as set out in this chapter; or

(b) Within 30 days after removing the plates from the vehicle, return them to the Department.

Last modified: February 25, 2006