Nevada Revised Statutes Section 482.3812 - Public Safety - Vehicles - Watercraft

Street Rods.

1. The Department may issue special license plates and registration certificates to residents of Nevada for any passenger car or light commercial vehicle:

(a) Having a manufacturer�s rated carrying capacity of 1 ton or less; and

(b) Manufactured not later than 1948.

2. License plates issued pursuant to this section must be inscribed with the words �STREET ROD� and three or four consecutive numbers.

3. If during a registration year, the holder of special plates issued pursuant to this section disposes of the vehicle to which the plates are affixed, he shall retain the plates and:

(a) Affix them to another vehicle which meets the requirements of this section and report the change to the Department in accordance with the procedure set forth for other transfers; or

(b) Within 30 days after removing the plates from the vehicle, return them to the Department.

4. The fee for the special license plates is $35, in addition to all other applicable registration and license fees and governmental services taxes. The fee for an annual renewal sticker is $10.

Last modified: February 25, 2006