Operation of unnumbered or uncertified motorboat prohibited.
1. Every motorboat on the waters of this state must be numbered and titled, except as otherwise provided in subsection 4 and NRS 488.175.
2. Upon receipt of an original application for a certificate of ownership or for transfer of a certificate of ownership on an undocumented motorboat, the Department may assign an appropriate builder�s hull number to the motorboat whenever there is no builder�s number thereon, or when the builder�s number has been destroyed or obliterated. The builder�s number must be permanently marked on an integral part of the hull which is accessible for inspection.
3. A person shall not operate or give permission for the operation of any motorboat on the waters of this state unless:
(a) The motorboat is numbered in accordance with the provisions of this chapter or with the federally approved numbering system of another state;
(b) The certificate of number awarded to the motorboat is in effect;
(c) The identifying number set forth in the certificate of number is displayed on each side of the bow of the motorboat; and
(d) A valid certificate of ownership has been issued to the owner of any motorboat required to be numbered under this chapter.
4. Any person who purchases or otherwise owns a motorboat before January 1, 1972, is not required to obtain title for the motorboat until he transfers any portion of his ownership in the motorboat to another person.
Last modified: February 25, 2006