New Jersey Revised Statutes § 2a:81-15 - Disobedience; Penalties

2A:81-15. Disobedience; penalties
If any person on whom lawful process shall have been duly served to testify, depose or give evidence concerning any cause or matter pending in any court and to whom shall have been paid or tendered at the time of such service, 50 cents if he is to attend in the county, and 1 dollar, if he is to attend out of the county, shall not appear according to the command of such process, having no lawful or reasonable excuse for such default, he shall:

a. For each offense forfeit to the aggrieved party a sum not exceeding $50, to be ascertained and adjudged by the court in which he was subpoenaed to attend; and

b. Pay to the aggrieved party damages equivalent to the loss sustained by the want of his evidence, to be recovered in a civil action with costs; and

c. Be punishable for contempt of the court out of which the process issued.

L.1951 (1st SS), c.344.

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Last modified: October 11, 2016