31-c. Receipts and disbursements. The department shall receive all moneys payable to the state on account of said fair and make all disbursements therefrom and also from any appropriation made for that purpose by the legislature as may be needed, from time to time, in carrying on the work of the department. The provisions of section one hundred twenty-one of the state finance law requiring that money received for or on behalf of the state shall be paid monthly into the state treasury shall not apply to the proceeds of the state fair, and the department may pay from the race and other entry fees, gate admissions and other receipts of such fair such expenses as shall be necessary for the proper conduct of the New York state fair and the purposes of the department. Any balance remaining in its hands received in connection with the state fair shall be retained by the department of agriculture and markets as a special fund for such permanent constructions on the state fair grounds or for administration expenses as shall be approved by the director of the budget, the chairman of the finance committee of the senate and the chairman of the ways and means committee of the assembly.
Last modified: February 3, 2019