96-x. Declaration of policy and purposes. The use as food of meat or meat products derived from dead, dying, disabled, diseased or condemned animals endangers the health and welfare of the people of the state. The powers of seizure, quarantine and condemnation held and exercised by the department tend to suppress but do not constitute adequate controls to prevent such adulterated and unfit meat and meat products from being sold for consumption. It is hereby declared to be a matter of legislative determination that regulation and supervision of those who deal in, handle, transport, process or dispose of such animals and the products therefrom are needed in the public interest, and that in the exercise of the police power such persons be required to be licensed before engaging in such activities and that such activities be regulated and supervised. The general purpose of this article is to protect the public health, safety and welfare by controlling the use, movement and disposition of dead, dying, disabled, diseased, or condemned animals, and the meat and meat products derived therefrom.
Last modified: February 3, 2019