Business Contracts
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Federal and State Laws
New York Laws
New York Arts and Cultural Affairs Law
Title a - Short Title
Title B - Promotion of the Arts
Title C - Transactions Involving Artists and Their Works
Title D - Regulation of Public Entertainments or Exhibitions by Cinematograph
Title E - New York State Cultural Resources Act
Title F - Theatrical Syndication Financing
Title G - Regulation of Sale of Theatre Tickets
Title J - Offenses Relating to Unauthorized Photographs and Certain Copyrighted Materials
Title K - Trade-Marks
Title L - Protection of Child Performers and Models
Title M - Theatrical Employment Contracts; Safety Precautions for Certain Performers; Performing Artists
Title P - New York State Cultural Education Trust
Title S - Enacted Without Title Heading
Title T - Natural Heritage Trust
Title U - Divisions of History and Public Records
Title V - American Museum of Natural History Planetarium Authority
Title V-1 - Sale of Autographed Sports Collectibles
Title W - Miscellaneous Provisions
Last modified: February 3, 2019