New York Arts and Cultural Affairs Law Article 22 - TRUST FOR CULTURAL RESOURCES OF THE COUNTY OF ONONDAGA
- 22.01 - Special Definitions.
As used or referred to in this article, all terms shall have the meanings set forth in section 20.03 of this chapter, except that the...
- 22.03 - Legislative Findings and Statement of Purposes.
1. The legislature hereby finds, determines and declares: (a) that certain major cultural institutions located in the county are invaluable cultural, educational and recreational resources...
- 22.05 - Creation and Administration of the Trust.
1. There is hereby created the trust for cultural resources of the county of Onondaga which shall have all the powers, rights, privileges and exemptions...
- 22.07 - Special Powers of the Trust Relating to Assisting Participating Cultural Institutions.
In addition to such powers as are conferred elsewhere in article twenty of this chapter and this article, the trust shall have the following powers...
- 22.09 - Special Provisions Relating to the Financing and Development of Facilities in the County of Onondaga.
1. No individual who serves on the board of trustees, or equivalent body, of a not-for-profit cultural organization shall be a developer of, or share...
Last modified: February 3, 2019