New York Canal Law Article 8 - CANAL NAVIGATION
- 70 - Cargo Statement.
The master of any float shall furnish the corporation or its representative a true statement of the quantity and description of the lading of such...
- 71 - Registry of Canal Floats.
The owner of every commercial float to be navigated on the canal system shall make application to the corporation for a New York state certificate...
- 72 - Change of Ownership, Name or Hailing Place.
Should the ownership, name or hailing place of a float change after state registry, the owner of the float shall make new application in form...
- 73 - Registered Owner to Be Advised of Assessments and Penalties.
The corporation shall advise the person whose name appears on the latest application for registry on file in its office of any assessments, penalties or...
- 74 - List of Registered Floats to Be Prepared.
The corporation shall make a list of all floats to which New York state certificates of registry have been issued. This list shall be corrected...
- 75 - Clearance and Ownership.
Every commercial float shall have a clearance. Clearances may be obtained at such places along the canal system and at such other points as the...
- 76 - Regulations With Respect to Clearance.
No commercial float shall proceed beyond the place to which it is cleared, nor unload any of its cargo, before or after its arrival, at...
- 77 - Copy of Clearance.
The corporation, or its representative issuing a clearance or with whom a clearance is filed, shall, when requested, furnish a copy thereof, with any additional...
- 78 - Assignment of Berths for Loading or Unloading.
The corporation or its representative may assign berths to all floats while loading or unloading at any landing place upon a canal and determine disputes...
- 79 - Floating Elevators.
Any person owning or leasing, in whole or in part, any floating elevator used for loading grain, coal, sand, or other material, shall, upon application...
- 80 - Supplying Deficiencies of Water.
Whenever the navigation of any part of the canal system is endangered by reason of a deficiency of water, the corporation shall, without delay, supply...
- 81 - Deposit of Refuse in Navigable Waters.
It shall be unlawful to throw from or otherwise deposit, either from or out of any float or from the shore, wharf, manufacturing establishment or...
- 82 - Seizure of Obstruction.
The corporation may cause to be seized and removed any object, article, float or sunken thing found within the limits of the canal system not...
- 83 - Liability of Float for Penalty, Detention and Sale Thereof.
Every penalty and forfeiture prescribed by this chapter against the owner, master or other person having charge of any float, when incurred, shall be chargeable...
- 84 - Damage Caused by Termination of Canal Navigation.
No part of the canal system of the state which was improved pursuant to chapter seven hundred ten of the laws of nineteen hundred seven...
- 85 - Rules and Regulations.
The corporation shall prescribe and enforce rules and regulations, not inconsistent with law, governing navigation on the canals and for the use of the terminals...
Last modified: February 3, 2019