New York Civil Service Law Title E - POLICE ADVISORY BOARD

  • 83 - Legislative Intent.
    In the event that municipalities propose a merger of all or part of existing police agencies within counties in establishing a countywide, a part-county or...
  • 83-a - Creation of a Police Advisory Board.
    Notwithstanding the provisions of section seventy of the civil service law or any other general, special or local law, rule or regulation, in any county,...
  • 83-b - Membership of Board.
    The advisory board shall consist of: (a) A representative of the New York state department of civil service who will serve as secretary to the...
  • 83-c - Additional Members on Board.
    In addition to the foregoing, the following additional members shall be added to the board depending upon the type of merger involved: (a) Consolidation of...
  • 83-d - Police Advisory Board Meetings.
    The board will be convened by the president of the state civil service department, who will indicate the date, time and place of the first...
  • 83-e - Duties of Police Advisory Board.
    The board will establish appropriate procedures and policies for the conduct of its affairs and will make its recommendations to the president of the state...
  • 83-f - Procedures.
    a. In making recommendations for the appropriate rank to which present police officers will be assigned to the consolidated department, consideration will be given to...
  • 83-g - Compensation of Board Members.
    No member of the board shall receive any additional compensation from the state of New York or any of its political subdivisions for any services...

Last modified: February 3, 2019