- 350 - When and to What Court Application to Be Made.
Where a person is imprisoned in a state prison, for a term less than for life or in a penitentiary or county jail, for a...
- 351 - Who May Apply.
A petition for such an appointment may be presented by either of the following persons: 1. A creditor of the prisoner. 2. The prisoner's husband,...
- 352 - Creditor Must Relinquish Security.
A creditor of the prisoner, who has a judgment, mortgage, or other security, specified in section fifty-nine of the debtor and creditor law, can not...
- 353 - Contents of Petition.
The petition must be in writing, and verified by the affidavit of the petitioner, to the effect, that the matters of fact therein stated are...
- 354 - Copy of Sentence and Affidavit to Be Presented.
The petition must be accompanied with a copy of the sentence of conviction of the prisoner, duly certified by the clerk of the court by...
- 355 - Proceedings Upon Presentation of the Papers.
Upon the presentation of the papers, the court may, in its discretion, make an order, either appointing one or more fit persons trustees of the...
- 356 - Proceedings on Return of Order to Show Cause.
Upon the return of an order to show cause, made as prescribed in the last section, proof of the service thereof, as required thereby, must...
- 357 - Effect of Order Appointing Trustee.
The entry of the order, appointing one or more trustees, and the filing of the papers upon which it was granted, vests in the trustee...
- 358 - Removal of Trustee; Appointment of New Trustee.
Upon the application of any person, entitled to apply for an order, appointing trustees of the prisoner's property, and upon such a notice as the...
- 359 - Prisoner's Property; How Applied.
After deducting their commissions and expenses, allowed by law, and paying the prisoner's debts, the trustees may, from time to time, under the direction of...
- 360 - Prisoner's Property to Be Delivered to Him on His Discharge.
When the prisoner dies, or is lawfully discharged from imprisonment, the trustee or trustees must deliver over to him, or to his legal representatives, all...
- 361 - Application of This Article to Persons Heretofore Sentenced.
This article applies to a prisoner who has been sentenced before this chapter takes effect, and to his property; except where one or more trustees...
Last modified: February 3, 2019