• 851 - Definitions.
    * As used in this article the following terms have the following meanings: 1. "Institution" means any institution under the jurisdiction of the state department...
  • 851*
    * 851. Definitions. As used in this article the following terms have the following meanings: 1. "Institution" means any institution under the jurisdiction of the...
  • 852 - Establishment of Temporary Release.
    * 1. The commissioner, guided by consideration for the safety of the community and the welfare of the inmate, shall review and evaluate all existing...
  • 853 - Reporting and Information.
    To ensure the accurate maintenance and availability of statistics and records with respect to participation in temporary release programs, the department shall maintain the following...
  • 854 - Evaluation and Recommendation.
    In recognition of the need for an independent evaluation of, and recommendations with respect to, temporary release, the commission of correction shall evaluate and assess...
  • 855 - Procedure for Temporary Release of Inmates.
    * 1. A person confined in an institution designated for the conduct of work release programs who is an eligible inmate, may make application to...
  • 856 - Conduct of Inmates Participating in a Temporary Release Program.
    * 1. An inmate who is permitted to leave the premises of an institution to participate in a temporary release program shall have on his...
  • 857 - Complaint and Abuse Review.
    Any person may submit to the commission of correction any complaint he or she may have concerning programmatic abuses. The commission of correction shall evaluate...
  • 858 - Application of Labor Laws.
    The laws of the state and its political subdivisions with respect to employment conditions shall apply to inmates participating in work release programs.
  • 859 - When Employment Prohibited.
    No employment under a work release program may be approved or continued if (a) such employment results in the displacement of employed workers, or is...
  • 860 - Disposition of Earnings.
    * The earnings of an inmate participating in a work release program, less any payroll deductions required or authorized by law, shall be turned over...
  • 861 - Inmate Not Agent of State.
    An inmate participating in a work release program shall not, merely by reason of such participation, be deemed an agent, employee or servant of the...

Last modified: February 3, 2019