New York Correction Law Article 5-A - INTERSTATE CORRECTIONS COMPACT
- 100 - Compact.
The interstate corrections compact as set forth in this article is hereby adopted and entered into with all jurisdictions joining therein.
- 101 - Short Title; Purpose.
This article shall be known and may be cited as the "interstate corrections compact". The party states, desiring common action to fully utilize and improve...
- 102 - Definitions.
As used in this compact, unless the context clearly requires otherwise: (a) "State" means a state of the United States; the United States of America;...
- 103 - Contracts.
(a) Each party state may make one or more contracts with any one or more of the other party states for the confinement of inmates...
- 104 - Procedures and Rights.
(a) Whenever the duly constituted authorities in a state party to this compact, and which has entered into a contract pursuant to section one hundred...
- 105 - Acts Not Reviewable in Receiving State; Extradition.
(a) Any decision of the sending state in respect to any matter over which it retains jurisdiction pursuant to this compact shall be conclusive upon...
- 106 - Federal Aid.
Any state party to this compact may accept federal aid for use in connection with any institution or program, the use of which is or...
- 107 - Entry Into Force.
This compact shall enter into force and become effective and binding upon the states so acting when it has been enacted into law by any...
- 108 - Withdrawal and Termination.
This compact shall continue in force and remain binding upon a party state until it shall have enacted a statute repealing the same and providing...
- 109 - Construction and Severability.
(a) Nothing contained in this compact shall be construed to abrogate or impair any agreement or other arrangement which a party state may have with...
Last modified: February 3, 2019