224. Optional appropriations and contracts for public benefit services. The board of supervisors shall have power to contract with non-profit organizations and other corporations, associations and agencies within the county formed for the purposes hereinafter enumerated; and the board of supervisors shall also have power to contract with non-profit organizations and other corporations, associations and agencies formed for such purposes within an adjoining county provided the services which are the subject of the contract are to be rendered within the county of such board. The resolution of such board shall name the organization, the amount and manner of payment for the service to be rendered, nature of such service, the rendering of a verified account of the disbursements with verified or certified vouchers therefor attached, a refund of any unused amount, and such other conditions upon the use thereof as the board may deem proper, including the power to require a bond of the disbursing officer thereof. Except as hereinafter mentioned, no county money shall be paid to such organization until a memorandum receipt, signed by the principal officer and disbursing officer of such organization, agreeing to comply with the terms of the resolution, is delivered to the county treasurer. Such appropriations and payments may be made for the following objects and purposes:
(1) Armistice, memorial, or other recognized national patriotic observance;
(2) Commemoration programs of historical events of county-wide interest and concern;
(3) Propagation of game, game birds, and fish;
(4) Prevention of cruelty to children and animals;
(5) Grounds and buildings for the improvement of agricultural conditions in the county, when owned and operated by a county agricultural society;
(6) Administration expense of organizations rendering a service, training, or aid to indigent blind;
(7) Elimination of noxious weeds, rodents and wild animals;
(8) (a) The board of supervisors of any county in which a county extension service association has been organized may from time to time appropriate and pay out for the support and maintenance of county extension service associations and the work thereof, and for the employment by the county association of professional staff, and for any other purposes which the board of supervisors shall deem proper and may raise money for such purpose by a tax on real and personal property in the county. The board of supervisors may direct the county treasurer to pay out moneys from such appropriation upon the order of the treasurer of the county association, upon his giving a proper receipt therefore, and the chairman of the board of supervisors may be authorized to enter into an agreement to pay such funds in regular installments in advance, and such agreement shall be sufficient authority in the hands of said county treasurer to pay out such moneys, provided that this money shall be expended under an agreement to be entered into between the county association and Cornell university, as agent for the state, for the cooperative management of said work of the county extension service association and the proper supervision of the professional staff employed therefor. The agreement shall identify by his or their titles the professional staff to be employed by the associations and shall state the salary or salaries to be paid and the sources from which payment is to be made. If services of professional staff employed by Cornell university are to be furnished, or if programs of extension work are to be furnished or conducted by Cornell university, the agreement shall identify such services or programs and state the terms on which they are to be furnished, including the sources from which payments are to be made. The co-operative relations therein established shall continue until either party to the agreement shall notify the other party that it wishes to terminate the agreement. Such a notification shall be in writing and shall be served at least six months preceding any action taken to annul the agreement. After receiving such notice co-operative relationships between said parties shall cease at the expiration of the six months' period of notice providing reconsideration or request for continuance is not made by the party issuing notification of desire to discontinue work under the provisions of this agreement. On or before the first day of December in each year and at any other time when requested by the board of supervisors, the officers of such county association shall report in writing to the board of supervisors a detailed statement of its work and transactions for the year ending November thirtieth, and for any other period which the board of supervisors may request and in such form as said board may direct.
(b) County or regional extension service association and its work. In each county or region of two or more counties of the state which shall qualify under this subdivision to co-operate with Cornell university for extending to the people of the state of New York, not enrolled in said colleges, the educational programs of the New York State College of Agriculture and Life Sciences and the New York State College of Human Ecology at Cornell university and subjects relating thereto, in cooperation with the state, there shall be recognized and may be created a subordinate governmental agency consisting of an unincorporated organization of citizens of the respective counties interested in agriculture, community and economic vitality, environment and energy, nutrition and healthy families, and youth development under a form of organization and administration approved by Cornell university as agent for the state. It shall be known as a county or regional extension service association. Cooperative extension work in a county may consist of programs in the fields of agriculture, community and economic vitality, environment and energy, nutrition, healthy families and youth development. References herein to the county or regional association shall mean such an organization. Only one such association shall be recognized or formed in each county or, by formal agreement, two or more counties may join to form one regional association to serve the several counties. The instrument providing its form of organization and administration shall be deemed its constitution. It shall have a board of directors and the offices of president and treasurer, to be constituted and filled as provided in such constitution, which also shall regulate admission to and tenure of enrollment in the organization. The board of directors of any such association heretofore or hereafter created may adopt such regulations and by-laws governing its procedure in the work assigned to it as are not inconsistent with the provisions of this subdivision. Subject to such rules and regulations and the constitution so approved, the president of the association shall act for, as and in the name of the association in all matters except those as to which the treasurer is given powers and duties. Civil actions or proceedings may be brought by or against the president or treasurer, as such, of the association. A judgment against them or either of them shall be enforceable only against funds or property of the association. Such an association is hereby declared to be a subordinate governmental agency and neither the county nor Cornell university nor any member, officer or director of the association shall be liable in damages for any injury to person or property in connection with the activities of the association the proximate cause of which was not directly their or his fault or negligence.
(c) When authorized by the board of directors of a county association, the treasurer of the association may acquire in his name as such treasurer, and he and his successors in office may hold, in trust, for carrying on the work and effectuating the purposes or a purpose of the association, personal property and real property or any interest therein, or the possession thereof under a lease. The instrument whereby such property, interest or use is acquired by purchase shall designate the grantee or lessee, as the case may be, by name and official title of treasurer as trustee. Such treasurer, as such, and as such trustee, may take and hold personal and real property by gift, grant or devise, when the instrument of gift or the will gives or devises property, personal or real, directly to the association as such and in its name, or to any person or persons for it, or in trust for its use and benefit. Such treasurer, as treasurer and trustee, may mortgage, lease, assign, convey or transfer any property held by him for the association, either personal or real, when authorized so to do by the directors of the association, by a deed or other instrument executed by and in the name of the then treasurer as such and as trustee. No such mortgage, lease, assignment, conveyance or transfer shall be made contrary to the conditions, if any, of the instrument under which the property, interest therein or use thereof, was acquired. The use and application of the acquired property, income therefrom and proceeds realized from a conveyance or transfer thereof, if any, shall be in accordance with rules and directions of such board.
(d) For the support of cooperative extension programs and subject to annual appropriation by the legislature, there shall be annually apportioned to each county cooperative extension association out of any moneys in the state treasury appropriated therefor, fifty cents for each dollar up to the first one hundred thousand dollars appropriated by such county for cooperative extension activities during the state fiscal year most recently ended and five cents for each dollar appropriated by such county for cooperative extension activities in excess of one hundred thousand dollars during the state fiscal year most recently ended. In the case of a regional extension service association authorized by this section, the maximum amount to be apportioned to any such association shall be the sum of the maximum apportionments which would have accrued to a separate association in each county included in the region. No county cooperative extension association shall receive an apportionment of funds under this section in an amount less than had been received in the nineteen hundred ninety-five--ninety-six state fiscal year, provided that the annual state appropriation is not less than the state moneys appropriated in the nineteen hundred ninety-five--ninety-six state fiscal year. Additional state allocations shall be distributed to the county associations in a percentage proportionate to their most recent county appropriation, such appropriation not to include any amount attributed to in-kind contributions, service agreements, or contracts.
1. The entitlement of each association to state moneys annually appropriated under this chapter is subject to the furnishing of equivalent sums from county appropriations. Annual county appropriations may include in-kind contributions, service agreements, and contracts with cooperative extension associations subject to review by Cornell university.
2. The apportionments provided pursuant to provisions of this paragraph shall be rounded to the nearest whole dollar.
3. The state apportionments provided for in this subdivision shall be paid upon vouchers certified by Cornell university as follows:
(i) For salaries of professional staff employed by the association;
(ii) For salaries of staff employed by Cornell university when administering, furnishing or conducting extension programs benefiting the county under agreement with the association.
4. All such payments shall be made in accordance with the annual agreement between the association and Cornell university, which shall:
(i) Specify the amount in dollars to be expended for each of such purposes and the amount in dollars to be provided from apportionments pursuant to this subdivision;
(ii) Identify by titles the positions for which the salary is paid;
(iii) In the case of salaries of agents jointly employed by two or more county associations, and in the case of salaries of agents or other personnel employed by Cornell university, in furnishing or conducting programs which are furnished or conducted in or for the benefit of two or more counties, identify each of the county extension service associations against whose account payments pursuant to this subdivision are to be charged and the amount to be charged.
(e) The general supervision of the co-operative extension work in a county herein provided for shall be under the direction of Cornell university as agent for the state and Cornell university is hereby authorized to set standards for professional staff and to make rules and regulations for the organization and conduct of such work. The moneys appropriated pursuant to this subdivision shall be paid from the state treasury on the warrant of the comptroller on vouchers approved by the treasurer of Cornell university.
For the purpose of carrying out the co-operative extension work of the county association, a county association may:
(1) Employ professional staff to organize, carry out, and co-ordinate the work;
(2) Exchange services of professional staff employed by it for services of professional, staff employed by another county association or employed by Cornell university, upon such terms as shall be agreed;
(3) Contract with another county association or with other county associations for the joint employment of one or more professional staff members, upon such terms with respect to salary, payment of expenses, duties and allocations of services as shall be agreed;
(4) Contract with Cornell university for the furnishing of services of professional staff employed by the university to conduct educational work throughout the state or in areas thereof, upon such terms as shall be agreed;
(5) Contract with Cornell university for the furnishing and conduct of programs of extension work or services, within the county or benefiting the county, upon such terms as shall be agreed;
(6) Contract with one or more other county associations for the purpose of assuring concurrent action by the several associations in contracting with Cornell university for services of professional staff at Cornell university or for programs of work furnished by Cornell university, as provided in paragraph (d) or (e), where the use of such services or participation in such programs by the several associations is required for their arrangement or financing.
(7) In support of its operations, research and educational programming needs, an association may contract with one or more entities, including but not limited to federal, state, or local government, not for profits or for profit organizations to provide services, compensated or uncompensated, consistent with this section. Such contracts are subject to review by Cornell university.
If services of professional staff employed by Cornell university are to be furnished, or if programs of extension work are to be furnished or conducted by Cornell university, the agreement shall identify such services or programs and state the terms on which they are to be furnished, including the source from which payments are to be made. Where payments are to be made out of funds appropriated by the state as provided in paragraph (d) of subdivision one, the agreement must contain the information required by that subdivision. If services of professional staff or programs are to be furnished to the county association under contractual arrangements as provided in paragraph (e) such contract or contracts shall be subject to approval by the legislative bodies of the counties concerned and executed as any other county contracts.
(f) A county may on recommendation of the county superintendent of highways, permit the use of any street or highway machinery, tools or equipment owned by the county, by a county association, provided for by paragraph (b) of this subdivision, upon such terms and conditions as may be agreed upon by the parties involved. Monies received by a county pursuant to the provisions of this section shall be paid into the county road machinery fund.
(g) A town superintendent of highways, with the approval of the town board and of the county superintendent, may permit the use of any highway machinery, tools or equipment owned by the town, by a county association provided for by paragraph (b) of this subdivision upon such terms and conditions as may be agreed upon by the parties involved. Monies received by a town pursuant to the provisions of this section shall be applicable for the purposes for which amounts may be raised as provided in subdivision three of section two hundred seventy-one of the highway law.
(h) No such machinery, tools and equipment shall be so leased to such a county association unless (1) adequate insurance shall be secured thereon which will protect the county or town, as the case may be, in the event of the loss of or damage to such leased machinery, tools and equipment by reason of fire and theft, and also in the case of machinery and equipment operated, or propelled, by motors, adequate collision insurance and (2) adequate liability and property damage insurance shall be secured for the protection of the county or town, as the case may be, upon all machinery and equipment operated or propelled, by motors. The determination of what shall be "adequate" insurance shall be made by resolution of the board of supervisors of the county, or the town board of a town, as the case may be, and no officer or official of any such county or town shall be held personally responsible to such county or town or to third persons should such insurance in any event prove to be inadequate in amount. The cost of any such insurance shall be paid for by the county association in addition to the payments hereinabove provided.
(i) If any such agreement between a county, or a town, and a county association shall provide that the equipment, tools or machinery leased shall be operated by an employee of the county, or town, any such employees, regardless of the terms of such contract, shall continue to be paid by and to be an employee of the county, or town, and shall be considered as such for any and all purposes, and the agreement between the county, or town, and the association shall provide for the payment by the association to the county, or town, of amounts at least equal to the compensation which any such employee shall receive from the county or town. The monies received by a county, or town, for reimbursement of the compensation of such employees shall be credited to the fund from which such compensation was paid while such equipment, tools or machinery were leased.
(j) The organizations provided for in paragraph (b) of this subdivision as it existed prior to this amendment and known as county farm and home bureau and 4-H club associations, county farm and home bureau associations, county farm bureau and 4-H club associations, county farm bureau associations or county home bureau associations existing when this act takes effect shall thereafter be known as county extension service associations, the name of the county in which organized being part of their names; said associations shall continue to have the same rights, privileges, exemptions, powers and duties under the new name, prescribed herein, as they have or had under their prior names.
(9) Fire training schools for training firemen, including the power to pay to a city within or without the county for services in the training of firemen of such county.
(10) The board of supervisors of any county and the governing body of a city in which any county is wholly contained may appropriate such sums of money as it may deem proper toward the maintenance of a private legal aid bureau or society organized and operating to give legal assistance and representation in civil or criminal matters to needy persons residing or charged with a crime within such county or city.
(11) The county legislature of Erie county may appropriate such sums of money as it may deem proper, subject to the provisions of this article, toward the maintenance of any duly incorporated society or organization, the corporate purposes of which include the aid and relief of poor persons, permanently or temporarily within the county, and may raise money therefor by tax upon the real and personal property in the said county in the same manner as other county taxes are levied and collected; provided, however, that no such appropriation shall be made except upon presentation to the county legislature with the application of such society or organization therefor of a certificate from the state department of social services certifying that such society or organization has complied with all of its rules and regulations applicable to such society, and approving of such application. Such sums appropriated shall be paid in accordance with contracts made between the local commissioner of social services or other officer of the county designated by the county legislature and such society or organization under which contracts said society or organization shall agree to render the services for which said sums of money have been appropriated, and shall provide for the payment of the aforesaid sums upon a monthly or quarterly basis, and upon verified vouchers showing the number of persons to whom such services were rendered and the nature of the services rendered during the period of time covered by such vouchers. Nothing herein contained shall be deemed to be an abridgement or limitation of the power of the county legislature to appropriate money under or pursuant to the provisions of any other law.
(12) Maintenance and operation of a public museum.
(13.) Maintenance and operation of a professional symphony or philharmonic orchestra, musical festival, or vocal, dance, drama, or performing arts troupe, group or activity of any kind or nature.
* (14) Maintenance and operation of an educational television station, organized pursuant to section two hundred thirty-six of the education law.
* NB There are 2 sub (14)'s
* (14) Publicizing the advantages of the county or region.
* NB There are 2 sub (14)'s
15. The board of supervisors of the county of Nassau may appropriate such sums of money as it may deem proper toward the operation and maintenance of educational television stations, in addition to those authorized by subdivision fourteen of this section, and for the production of educational television programs for the educational and cultural benefit of both children and adults in the county. Such sums appropriated shall be paid in pursuance of a contract authorized by the board of supervisors on behalf of the county, upon such terms and conditions as the board of supervisors may prescribe, and no such contract shall become effective until it is approved by the commissioner of education of the state of New York.
15-a. Legislative intent and declaration of policy. 1. The county of Nassau has, by several acquisitions from the United States government, become the owner of land within the county commonly known as Mitchel Field for the purpose of providing educational, cultural, recreational and civic facilities for the benefit of all the people of the county. The United States government has, by land exchange with the county, assembled a large parcel of land in Mitchel Field to be used for the development of a federal office building complex. Several educational institutions have also erected facilities within the immediate area. In addition to facilities for the aforesaid purposes, some of the land will be used for compatible commercial purposes designed to generate tax revenues and further serve the public. All of the Mitchel Field complex is within the Uniondale fire district, which is capably protecting the property and residents but which has found and will find it increasingly difficult to extend the protection to Mitchel Field as it becomes more fully developed. Accordingly, the Uniondale fire district requires additional facilities to accommodate the fire protection needs of the Mitchel Field complex. These needs include coverage of the Nassau community college complex, certain facilities and dormitories of Hofstra university, the Hebrew academy of Nassau county and the Nassau County Veterans Memorial Coliseum. In addition, the county of Nassau plans to construct a new college campus for Nassau and a number of buildings for public use, including a performing arts center and a central reference library. All of these facilities are being used and will be used for the benefit of the people of the county and for the improvement of their health, welfare, education, culture, recreation, prosperity and for the improvement of trade and commerce. In order to insure the necessary fire protection for the foregoing facilities and for such other facilities located within the Uniondale fire district, it is deemed essential, and in the best interests of the county of Nassau, to insure that adequate fire protection will be provided to the Mitchel Field complex.
2. Power to provide for fire protection for the Mitchel Field complex and the other structures and buildings located within the Uniondale fire district.
In order to provide more adequate fire protection for the above mentioned facilities at Mitchel Field within the Uniondale fire district, the board of supervisors of the county of Nassau may, upon the recommendation of the county executive, expend county moneys and construct on county-owned property located within the said fire district, such buildings and facilities as may be required for the preservation, protection and storage of fire apparatus and equipment and such other purposes for which such buildings and facilities are customarily utilized.
The board of supervisors of the county of Nassau, upon the recommendation of the county executive, may, with or without consideration, lease such land and the buildings and structures thereon to the Uniondale fire district on such terms and conditions as the board of supervisors of the county of Nassau may determine. The aforesaid expenditure, construction and lease are hereby deemed to effectuate a county purpose and a public purpose of the county of Nassau.
* 16. The board of supervisors of any county may appropriate such sums of money as it deems proper toward the maintenance of a planned parenthood association organized and operating to give family planning services to persons residing in the county.
* NB There are 2 sub 16's
* 16. The board of supervisors of any county and the governing body of a city in which any county is wholly contained may appropriate such sums of money as it may deem proper toward the maintenance of a private non-profit comprehensive area wide health planning corporation organized pursuant to United States Public Law 89-749, as amended.
* NB There are 2 sub 16's
17. The county of Erie may make application to the Foreign-Trade Zones Board established by the act of Congress, approved June eighteenth, nineteen hundred thirty-four, entitled "An act to provide for the establishment, operation and maintenance of foreign trade zones in ports of entry of the United States, to expedite and encourage foreign commerce, and for other purposes," for a grant to Erie county of the privilege to have established, operated and maintained, a foreign trade zone or zones within such county, pursuant to the provisions of such act, and if such application be granted, to have established, operated and maintained such zone in accordance with law including a sub-zone to be located in Monroe county which has the authority to create said sub-zone pursuant to chapter five hundred seventy-four of the laws of nineteen hundred seventy-six, and a sub-zone to be located in Cattaraugus county which has the authority to create said sub-zone pursuant to subdivision seventeen-a of this section and a sub-zone to be located in Chautauqua county which has the authority to create said sub-zone pursuant to subdivision twenty-five of this section. Said sub-zones may only be created with the approval of the governing body of the appropriate host county. The county of Erie may enter into such contracts and may appropriate such sums of money as it may deem proper, subject to the provisions of this article, towards the promotion and establishment of such zones.
17-a. The county of Cattaraugus may make application to the Foreign Trade Zones Board established by the act of Congress, approved June eighteenth, nineteen hundred thirty-four, entitled "An act to provide for the establishment, operation and maintenance of foreign trade zones in ports of entry of the United States, to expedite and encourage foreign commerce, and for other purposes," for a grant to Cattaraugus county of the privilege to have established, operated and maintained a foreign trade zone or zones and foreign trade sub-zone or sub-zones within such county, pursuant to the provisions of such act, and if such application be granted, to have established, operated and maintained such zone or sub-zone in accordance with law. The county of Cattaraugus may enter into such contracts and may appropriate such sums of money as it may deem proper, subject to the provisions of this article, towards the promotion and establishment of such zones.
18. The county of Suffolk may make application to the Foreign Trade Zones Board established by the act of Congress, approved June eighteenth, nineteen hundred thirty-four, entitled "An act to provide for the establishment, operation and maintenance of foreign trade zones in ports of entry of the United States, to expedite and encourage foreign commerce, and for other purposes," for a grant to Suffolk county of the privilege to have established, operated and maintained, a foreign trade zone or zones within such county, pursuant to the provisions of such act, and if such application be granted, to have established, operated and maintained such zone in accordance with law, including a sub-zone to be located in the county of Nassau, which has the authority to create such zones pursuant to subdivision twenty of this section. Such sub-zone shall only be created upon the approval of the governing body of the county of Nassau. The county of Suffolk may enter into such contracts and may appropriate such sums of money as it may deem proper, subject to the provisions of this article, towards the promotion and establishment of such zones.
19. The county of Niagara may make application to the Foreign-Trade Zones Board established by the act of Congress, approved June eighteenth, nineteen hundred thirty-four, entitled "An act to provide for the establishment, operation and maintenance of foreign trade zones in ports of entry of the United States, to expedite and encourage foreign commerce, and for other purposes," for a grant to Niagara county of the privilege to have established, operated and maintained, a foreign trade zone or zones within such county, pursuant to the provisions of such act and if such application be granted, to have established, operated and maintained such zone in accordance with law. The county of Niagara may enter into such contracts and may appropriate such sums of money as it may deem proper, subject to the provisions of this article, towards the promotion and establishment of such zones.
20. The county of Nassau may make application to the Foreign Trade Zones Board established by the act of Congress, approved June eighteenth, nineteen hundred thirty-four, entitled "An act to provide for the establishment, operation and maintenance of foreign trade zones in ports of entry of the United States, to expedite and encourage foreign commerce, and for other purposes," for a grant to Nassau county of the privilege to have established, operated and maintained, a foreign trade zone or zones within such county, pursuant to the provisions of such act, and if such application be granted, to have established, operated and maintained such zone in accordance with law. The county of Nassau may contract with a non-profit agency and may appropriate such sums of money as it may deem proper, subject to the provisions of this article, towards the promotion and establishment of such zones.
21. The county of Genesee may make application to the Foreign Trade Zones Board established by the act of Congress, approved June eighteenth, nineteen hundred thirty-four, entitled "An act to provide for the establishment, operation and maintenance of foreign trade zones in ports of entry of the United States, to expediate and encourage foreign commerce, and for other purposes," for a grant to Genesee county of the privilege to have established, operated and maintained, a foreign trade zone or zones within such county, pursuant to the provisions of such act, and if such application be granted, to have established, operated and maintained such zone in accordance with law. The county of Genesee may contract with a non-profit agency and may appropriate such sums of money as it may deem proper, subject to the provisions of this article, towards the promotion and establishment of such zones.
21-a. The county of Clinton may make application to the Foreign Trade Zones Board established by the act of congress, approved June eighteenth, nineteen hundred thirty-four, entitled "An act to provide for the establishment, operation and maintenance of foreign trade zones in ports of entry of the United States, to expedite and encourage foreign commerce, and for other purposes," for a grant to Clinton county of the privilege to have established, operated and maintained a foreign trade zone or zones within such county, pursuant to the provisions of such act, and if such application be granted, to have established, operated and maintained such zone in accordance with law. The county of Clinton may enter into such contracts and may appropriate such sums of money as it may deem proper, subject to the provisions of this article, towards the promotion and establishment of such zones.
21-b. The county of Montgomery may make application to the Foreign Trade Zones Board established by the act of congress, approved June eighteenth, nineteen hundred thirty-four, entitled "An act to provide for the establishment, operation and maintenance of foreign trade zones in ports of entry of the United States, to expedite and encourage foreign commerce, and for other purposes," for a grant to Montgomery county of the privilege to have established, operated and maintained a foreign trade zone or zones within such county, pursuant to the provisions of such act, and if such application be granted, to have established, operated and maintained such zone in accordance with law. The county of Montgomery may enter into such contracts and may appropriate such sums of money as it may deem proper, subject to the provisions of this article, towards the promotion and establishment of such zones.
22. The board of supervisors or county legislative body of any county may appropriate such sums of money as it may deem proper toward the maintenance and operation of day care coordinating councils or their equivalent, such councils to develop policies and procedures encouraging more efficient, effective and economical operations of child care services.
23. The county of Onondaga may make application to the Foreign Trade Zones Board established by the act of Congress, approved June eighteenth, nineteen hundred thirty-four, entitled "An act to provide the establishment, operation and maintenance of foreign trade zones in ports of entry of the United States, to expedite and encourage foreign commerce, and for other purposes," for a grant to Onondaga county of the privilege to have established, operated and maintained, a foreign trade zone or zones within such county and its designated service area, including the adjacent counties of Cayuga, Oswego and Madison, pursuant to the provisions of such act, and if such application be granted, to have established, operated and maintained such zone in accordance with law including sites in Onondaga county and the counties of Cayuga, Oswego, and Madison, which are counties located adjacent to the Syracuse Hancock International Airport; for purposes of this section, the term "adjacent" means those areas located within sixty miles or ninety minutes driving time of a United States customs and border protection port of entry. The county of Onondaga may enter into such contracts and may appropriate such sums of money and may take such further actions as it may deem appropriate, subject to the provisions of this article, towards the promotion, establishment and maintenance of such zone or zones.
23-a. The county of Cortland may make application to the Foreign Trade Zones Board established by the act of Congress, approved June eighteenth, nineteen hundred thirty-four, entitled "An act to provide the establishment, operation and maintenance of foreign trade zones in ports of entry of the United States, to expedite and encourage foreign commerce, and for other purposes," for a grant to Cortland county of the privilege to have established, operated and maintained, a foreign trade zone or zones or foreign trade sub-zone or sub-zones within such county, pursuant to the provisions of such act, and if such application be granted, to have established, operated and maintained such zone in accordance with law. The county of Cortland may enter into such contracts and may appropriate such sums of money and may take such further actions as it may deem appropriate, subject to the provisions of this article, towards the promotion, establishment and maintenance of such zone or zones.
24. The county of Jefferson, acting through the chairman of the board of supervisors, may make application to the Foreign Trade Zones Board established by the act of Congress, approved June eighteenth, nineteen hundred thirty-four, entitled "An act to provide the establishment, operation and maintenance of foreign trade zones in ports of entry of the United States, to expedite and encourage foreign commerce, and for other purposes," for a grant to Jefferson county of the privilege to have established, operated and maintained, a foreign trade zone or zones within such county, pursuant to the provisions of such act, and if such application be granted, to have established, operated and maintained such zone in accordance with law. The county of Jefferson may enter into such contracts and may appropriate such sums of money and may take such further actions as it may deem appropriate, subject to the provisions of this article, towards the promotion, establishment and maintenance of such zone or zones. Such chairman may delegate the responsibility to operate and maintain such trade zone or zones to the Jefferson county industrial development agency established pursuant to section eight hundred ninety-two-e of the general municipal law.
25. The county of Chautauqua may make application to the Foreign Trade Zones Board established by the act of Congress, approved June eighteenth, nineteen hundred thirty-four, entitled "An act to provide for the establishment, operation and maintenance of foreign trade zones in ports of entry of the United States, to expedite and encourage foreign commerce, and for other purposes," for a grant to Chautauqua county of the privilege to have established, operated and maintained a foreign trade zone or zones and foreign trade sub-zone or sub-zones within such county, pursuant to the provisions of such act, and if such application be granted, to have established, operated and maintained such zone or sub-zone in accordance with law. The county of Chautauqua may enter into such contracts and may appropriate such sums of money as it may deem proper, subject to the provisions of this article, towards the promotion and establishment of such zones.
26. The county of Oneida may make application to the Foreign Trade Zones Board established by the act of Congress, approved June eighteenth, nineteen hundred thirty-four, entitled "An act to provide for the establishment, operation and maintenance of foreign trade zones in ports of entry of the United States, to expedite and encourage foreign commerce, and for other purposes," for a grant to Oneida county of the privilege to have established, operated and maintained a foreign trade zone or zones and foreign trade sub-zone or sub-zones within such county, pursuant to the provisions of such act, and if such application be granted, to have established, operated and maintained such zone or sub-zone in accordance with law. The county of Oneida may enter into such contracts and may appropriate such sums of money as it may deem proper, subject to the provisions of this article, towards the promotion and establishment of such zones.
27. The county of Chenango may make application to the Foreign Trade Zones Board established by the act of Congress, approved June eighteenth, nineteen hundred thirty-four, entitled "An act to provide for the establishment, operation and maintenance of foreign trade zones in ports of entry of the United States, to expedite and encourage foreign commerce, and for other purposes," for a grant to Chenango county of the privilege to have established, operated and maintained a foreign trade zone or zones and foreign trade sub-zone or sub-zones within such county, pursuant to the provisions of such act, and if such application be granted, to have established, operated and maintained such zone or sub-zone in accordance with law. The county of Chenango may enter into such contracts and may appropriate such sums of money as it may deem proper, subject to the provisions of this article, towards the promotion and establishment of such zones.
28. The county of Ontario may make application to the Foreign Trade Zones Board established by the act of Congress, approved June eighteenth, nineteen hundred thirty-four, entitled "An act to provide for the establishment, operation and maintenance of foreign trade zones in ports of entry of the United States, to expedite and encourage foreign commerce, and for other purposes," for a grant to Ontario county of the privilege to have established, operated and maintained a foreign trade zone or zones and foreign trade sub-zone or sub-zones within such county, and adjacent counties of Livingston, Wayne, Seneca, Yates and Steuben pursuant to the provisions of such act, and if such application be granted, to have established, operated and maintained such zone or sub-zone in accordance with law. The county of Ontario may enter into such contracts and may appropriate such sums of money as it may deem proper, subject to the provisions of this article, towards the promotion and establishment of such zones.
Last modified: February 3, 2019