840. Memorial day in Nassau and Suffolk counties. The board of supervisors of the counties of Nassau and Suffolk may each appropriate annually an amount not to exceed two hundred dollars for the purpose of defraying the expenses of the proper observance of Memorial or Decoration day at the Long Island National Cemetery, Pinelawn, New York, and such observance is hereby declared a county purpose. The boards may raise money therefor by tax in the same manner as other county charges are levied and collected. The boards may appropriate such moneys to a committee of several veterans' (or other patriotic) organizations as may be determined by the boards, which shall be known as "The Long Island National Cemetery Memorial Committee" and such moneys shall be used and expended by such committee for the proper observance of such day, and in such event the head of such committee, and the disbursing officer thereof, shall file a report thereof with each of the said boards not later than thirty days after the observance of Memorial or Decoration day, showing the money received from each county pursuant to this provision of law and the vouchers for the disbursement thereof.
Last modified: February 3, 2019