New York County Law Article 17 - SHERIFF
- 650 - General Duties of Sheriff.
1. The sheriff shall perform the duties prescribed by law as an officer of the court and conservator of the peace within the county. He...
- 651 - Appointment of Person to Act As Sheriff in Certain Cases.
When a vacancy shall occur in the office of sheriff, and there be no undersheriff to perform the duties, the county judge shall designate and...
- 652 - Undersheriff and Staff of Sheriff.
1. Within ten days after entering upon the duties of the office, the sheriff shall appoint an undersheriff to serve during his pleasure. During the...
- 652-a - Appointment and Promotion of Deputy Sheriffs.
1. In any county outside the city of New York where heretofore there has been established a procedure for the appointment and promotion of personnel...
- 653 - Part Time Deputy Sheriffs.
Within the limits of the appropriation, the sheriff may employ such number of part time deputies, as he may deem necessary, who shall be paid...
- 654 - Deputizing Local Police Officers or Peace Officers.
The sheriff may in his discretion deputize the police officers or peace officers of cities, towns, villages and special districts and agents of societies incorporated...
- 655 - Emergency Special Deputies.
For the protection of human life and property during an emergency, the sheriff may deputize orally or in writing such number of additional special deputies...
- 656 - Emergency Equipment and Apparatus.
If, in the protection of human life and property, the sheriff shall deem it necessary to hire any equipment or apparatus together with the operator...
- 657 - Emergency Fund.
The board of supervisors shall have power to appropriate and set aside a fund for the purpose of paying in advance of audit expenditures of...
- 657-a - Fund for Expenses of Sheriff in Transporting Prisoners.
The board of supervisors shall have power to, and may, provide a fund for the payment in advance of audit of properly itemized and verified...
- 658 - Verification of Informations.
Where a summons has been served by a sheriff or one of his staff, in lieu of arrest, in cases of violations of the vehicle...
- 659 - Jail Records.
The sheriff shall cause such records to be kept at the jail as may be required by law.
- 660 - Services on Behalf of the State.
All fees or other form of compensation audited and paid by the state comptroller for services rendered to the people of the state including a...
- 661 - When Sheriff Party to an Action or Proceeding.
1. In an action or special proceeding to which the sheriff is a party, all mandates shall be directed to the county clerk of the...
- 662 - Appointment of Private College Campus Security Officers At Independent Non-Profit Colleges.
1. Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, the sheriff of any county, any part or all of which falls outside the limits...
Last modified: February 3, 2019