- 900 - Devolution of Powers and Duties on the County of Bronx.
1. The county of Bronx shall possess all the rights and be subject to all the obligations of the counties now included within the city...
- 901 - Office of the Sheriff.
1. The commissioner of correction of the city of New York shall have custody of the civil jails and persons lawfully committed to his custody...
- 902 - Certain Office Hours.
1. The offices of the county clerk in the counties constituting the city of New York shall remain open for the transaction of business from...
- 903 - Official Seals and Signatures.
1. The seals heretofore kept by the respective county clerks of the counties comprising the city of New York shall continue to be the seals...
- 904 - Court and Trust Fund Register and Liability of Officers.
The county clerks of the counties comprising the city of New York shall perform the same duties and shall be subject to the same penalties...
- 905 - Liability of Commissioner of Finance and Surety for Loss of Court and Trust Funds.
The commissioner of finance of the city of New York and his surety or sureties shall be liable in the same manner as county treasurers...
- 906 - Liability of City of New York for Loss of Court and Trust Funds.
The city of New York shall be responsible for all property or moneys deposited with the commissioner of finance by virtue of any judgment, decree...
- 907 - Certain Publications in County of Bronx.
Every citation, order, proclamation, summons or notice, except a notice required to be published by the provisions of the public lands law, which is required...
- 908 - Appointment and Salary of County Clerks.
1. The county clerks of the counties comprising the city of New York shall be appointed and removable in pursuance of section thirteen of article...
- 909 - Additional General Duties of County Clerks.
The county clerk of each of the counties within the city of New York shall be clerk of the supreme court within his respective county,...
- 910 - Official Undertakings of County Clerks.
Each county clerk shall before entering upon or assuming the duties of his office, give a bond to the people of the state of New...
- 911 - Appointment and Salaries of Counsel to the County Clerks.
The clerk of each of the counties within the city of New York may appoint a counsel who shall be an attorney and counselor-at-law with...
- 912 - Subordinate Employees in Offices of County Clerks; Salaries.
In counties within the city of New York, the appointment of every deputy, assistant, clerk, employee or subordinate shall be made in writing and filed...
- 913 - Official Undertakings of Subordinates in Offices of County Clerks.
The county clerk of each such county may in his discretion require any deputy, assistant, clerk, employee or subordinate appointed by him to give a...
- 914 - Duties of Deputy County Clerks.
The deputy county clerks of each of the counties comprising the city of New York shall, subject to the provisions of the public officers law,...
- 915 - Fees of County Clerks.
All moneys to which the clerks of the counties comprising the city of New York are entitled, by virtue of their office, or which they...
- 916 - Accounts of Money to Be Kept in Offices of County Clerks.
It shall be the duty of clerks of the counties comprising the city of New York to keep an exact and detailed account of all...
- 917 - Transcripts of Accounts in Offices of County Clerks; Violations.
1. A transcript of the account shall be made in such form as shall be prescribed by the comptroller of the city of New York....
- 918 - General Provisions Pertaining to Records in Offices of County Clerks.
1. The clerk of each of the counties within the city of New York is authorized and empowered to do such further acts for rearrangement,...
- 919 - Block Indices in Offices of County Clerks.
1. New York, Bronx, Kings and Queens counties. a. The county clerks of the counties of New York, Bronx, Kings and Queens shall continue to...
- 919-a - Block Indices in the Office of the County Clerk in the County of Richmond.
a. The county clerk of the county of Richmond shall continue to index under the proper block numbers all instruments now required by law to...
- 920 - Alphabetical Indices in Offices of County Clerks.
The clerk of each of the counties within the city of New York, so long as he deems it expedient, may continue the alphabetical indices...
- 921 - Current Minute Books and Indices in Office of County Clerk of New York County.
1. The county clerk of New York county must keep books to be known as current minute books. Each half page of space in each...
- 922 - Judgment Docket in Office of County Clerk of New York County.
1. The judgment dockets shall be kept by the county clerk of New York county in two separate sets of books, one set to be...
- 923 - Current Docket Books and Filing for Bronx County.
1. The county clerk of Bronx county must keep books to be known as current docket books. Each half page of space in each book...
- 924 - Photo Recording.
The county clerks of the counties within the city of New York may cause parts of documents to be separated in order to facilitate recording...
- 925 - Certificate of Searching Records and Copies.
The clerk of any of the counties comprising the city of New York, upon payment of the fee prescribed therefor, shall diligently search the files,...
- 926 - Election of District Attorneys; Term and Vacancies.
1. There shall continue to be elected in each of the counties of New York, Kings, Bronx, Queens and Richmond a district attorney who shall...
- 927 - General Duties of District Attorneys.
It shall be the duty of the district attorney of the respective counties of New York, Bronx, Kings, Queens and Richmond to prosecute all crimes...
- 928 - Salary of District Attorneys.
Each of the district attorneys of the counties of New York, Bronx, Kings, Queens and Richmond shall receive an annual salary of not less than...
- 929 - Official Undertaking of District Attorneys.
Every person elected or appointed to the office of district attorney, shall, before he enters upon the duties of his office, and if appointed, within...
- 930 - Assistant District Attorneys; Salaries.
The district attorney of each county contained within the city of New York is hereby vested with the power to appoint and at pleasure to...
- 931 - Employees of the District Attorneys in Counties Contained Within the City of New York.
The district attorney of each county contained within the city of New York is vested with the power to appoint any person to any position...
- 932 - Exemption of District Attorneys From Payment of Certain Fees.
No salaried officer of the city of New York or of the counties of New York, Kings, Queens, Richmond and Bronx, or of any court...
- 933 - Appropriations for Extraordinary Criminal Actions.
It shall be lawful for the city, upon the certificate of the district attorney of any county within the city of New York, to appropriate...
- 934 - Cost of Removed Criminal Trials.
Each respective county of New York, Bronx, Kings, Queens and Richmond in which an indictment is found shall reimburse the county to which such indictment...
- 935 - Disposition of Property by District Attorney of New York County.
All property delivered into the custody and held and kept by the district attorney of the county of New York, for use as evidence or...
- 937 - County Detectives in Counties Within City of New York.
1. In such counties included within the city of New York now having such detectives, there shall continue to be appointed for such counties, two...
- 938 - County Detective in Counties of Bronx and Kings.
938. County detective in counties of Bronx and Kings, County detectives are hereby empowered, under the direction of the district attorney by whom appointed, to...
- 939 - Medical Assistants in Counties of New York and Kings.
The district attorneys of the county of New York and of the county of Kings are each authorized and empowered to appoint and at pleasure...
- 940 - Commissioner of Finance As Trustee of Cemetery Lots.
The commissioner of finance of the city of New York shall perform the duties as a trustee of cemetery lots in the same manner as...
- 940-a - Food and Lodging for Certain Jurors.
When so ordered by the court in a county wholly included within the city of New York, the court shall provide food and lodging for...
- 941 - Liability for Torts.
The provisions of sections fifty-two, fifty-three and fifty-four of this chapter shall apply to the counties constituting the city of New York.
- 942 - Duty to Furnish Facilities for Courts of Record.
Except where other provision is made therefor by law, the board of estimate of the city of New York must provide each court of record...
- 943 - Representation of Indigent Persons Accused of Crime.
The provisions of sections two hundred twenty-four, seven hundred sixteen, seven hundred seventeen, seven hundred eighteen, seven hundred nineteen, seven hundred twenty and seven hundred...
Last modified: February 3, 2019